Recently, Samsung announced two new MP3 players, the YP-Q1, which is pictured above, and the YP-U4. The interesting thing about the Q1 is that it is the first MP3 player by Samsung that sports their DNSe 3 audio technology, which restores what is lost when songs are compressed.
In addition, it comes with a light-up D-Pad, 2.4-inch LCD screen, FM tuner, photo display and video playback. No word on exact formats for video and photo, however it is set to come in a few different models which include 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB of flash memory. Next, we have the YP-U4, which is an upgraded model of the Samsung U3. It comes in a stick-like shape, a full directional pad to navigate within the device and a monochrome OLED screen. Furthermore, it comes with a battery life of up to 16 hours.
The Samsung YP-Q1 has been slated for an October release, and it would sell in a few different colors. The YP-U4 is already retailing it select areas.
Via [Electronista]
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