Mystery has surrounded the whole HTC Dream G1 launch from T-Mobile since word broke about the Android-powered Dream. There has been speculation running rampant about what the first Android headset is going to look like. Websites had mock-ups showing different views of what people thought it might be. There was even a video. Well, apparently, there have been photos leaked “from a trusted source” of what the G1 is going to look like...and there are a few things people didn’t see coming.
One difference you see right away is the tilt at the bottom of the handset by the trackball. And from reader feedback so far across the “Net...many do not seem to be loving this little feature. Concerns were raised of would it poke out in the pocket carrying it, or as simple as it just doesn’t look good. Lots of people seemed to like the QWERTY keyboard, with the buttons not all jammed together. When you flip it over, you can see they are apparently using brand recognition to try to help sell the handset, since they have “With Google” splashed on it. Personally...I don’t know how much the name “Google” is gonna help them right now, but that’s besides the point.
There have been all kinds of dates tossed around. Right now it seems that with an official launch date of October 13th, T-Mobile will also begin taking pre-orders at an exclusive online site from existing customers only on October 17th. Only post-paid customers can pre-order. If you are a FlexPay, PreyPay or a T-Mobile Employee, you have to wait for the Dream to go to general availability. Looks like two-year contracts will be necessary, and the pre-order price is $199 after an instant rebate. You also need a GMail account to set up your G1.
Available in black, white or brown, the phone comes with the following features:
- Touch Screen
- Full Qwerty keyboard
- 3G/ WiFi
- Full HTML internet capabilities
- Easy access to all Google applications (Gmail, Gtalk, search)
- Maps (presumably GPS..although their website somehow omits this)
- Street view
- You Tube
- Phone
- IM/Text
- Camera 3.0mp
- Video (playback only, no recording)
- Music player & 1GB memory card pre-loaded
- Applications, all available in Google marketplace (icon on the homescreen)
Guess we’ll see if it’s worth all the hype when it hits the market. Whaddya think? Worth the price, bottom tilt and all?
Via [AndroidGuys]
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