MSI has recently added two new laptops into its collection, this time its the EX300 and EX400. As of now, neither models have been given a price, nor a US release date, but judging from the specs, they should be something that we hope to see.
The EX300 features a 13.3-inch TFT WXGA ACV display with a 1280X800 resolution, an Intel Core2 Duo processor and a DVD Super-multi or Blu-Ray DVD optical drive. In addition the EX300 also Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n, an Ethernet port, two USB ports, HDMI, headphone out, microphone in, a built-in card reader and has the option for Bluetooth 2.0+EDR. Other options also include anywhere from 160 up to 320GB of hard drive space and it can top out with 4GB of RAM. The EX300 will be running Windows Vista Home Premium and have the option for either a 4 or 8-cell battery.
The EX400, which is the larger of the two laptops comes with a 14.1-inch WXGA TFT-LCD display. Otherwise it offers similar specs that include an Intel Core2 Duo processor and a DVD Super-multi or Blu-Ray DVD optical drive. The EX400 will also top out at 4GB of RAM, however it has the option for a little more storage space, offering anywhere from 160GB up to 500GB. The ports and connectivity are the same as the EX300, however this model comes with either a 6-cell or 9-cell battery. And finally it will be running Windows Vista Home Premium.
As previously mentioned, nothing yet in terms of pricing or release, but judging from these specs, MSI certainly has more to offer than just the Wind netbook.
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