Product: Jabra SP700.
Price and Availability: $99 out now
Pros: Doesn’t make you look like a tool. Easily answer calls in your car. Makes not upgrading to the expensive new cars “tech package” a lot easier to live with. Sound is great, surround sound through speakers is even better.
Cons: no air of superiority that comes with a headset (wait, maybe that should be in the Pros?)
Overall: I’ve already ordered two for my cars. I give it 10/10
If you are like me, you’ll go to almost any length no to wear your bluetooth headset. An incoming call when I am in the car sends me fumbling around my front seats for the tiny headset, the awkward install into my ear and then my eyes are back on the road. Surely that is safer than just answer the phone?
This is my new solution: the Jabra SP 700. I love this darn thing. I had my doubts this would work for me, as despite my feelings on the look and overriding “tool-i-ness” of a bluetooth headset, there is something almost fun about being plugged in like that. But this Jabra piece changed my mind.
Almost hiding on my visor, the unit looks good as its buttons are hidden on the sides. A sexy almost Scandinavian voice announces settings like “power on” or “connected” keeping my eyes on the road. I’ve not tired of her yet, but I am sure that is coming. Set up, as with most bluetooth devices, is super simple.
Better yet, the unit comes with a built in FM transmitter that pumps your callers voice through your cars sound system. It creates a very warm environment that is more like talking in person than on a call. I really dig it. Jabra can also send music on your phone to the cars. The SP700 will even search for the best frequency for you to transmit over, very cool.
The sound quality is indistinguishable from just using the phone. Callers sounded clear to me and me to them. Road noise was swept away and people were amazed I was driving around, much less on a dirt road. Jabra says the SP700 has echo cancellation and noise reduction all aimed at making your conversation as natural as possible.
I let my wife borrow it this morning. She phoned more from the road after a couple of uses and wanted to let me know she was keeping it. She was headed into the office to show it to her friends.
All calls are announced by that sexy Scandinavian voice, keeping me focused on the traffic, not searching around for my phone. Taking the call is as easy as tapping the visor-mounted unit.
Jabra has put out an excellent option for hands free communications in the car. I highly recommend.
Product page: [Jabra]
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