Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lawsuit filed over iPhone 3G performance

iphone3glawsuitIt looks like Apple and AT&T will have to answer to the strong hand of the law again. Seems as though some people dislike the iPhone enough to sue over it. In the latest round of iPhone lawsuits, William Gillis has filed suit against both companies, citing network performance as grounds.

Gillis, one of the many users of the iPhone, complains that with the huge influx of iPhone users that has come of late, there is no way that AT&T’s 3G network can withstand that much use while producing the claimed speeds that were the whole point in switching to 3G. Both of the defendant companies claim that speeds are doing fine and running at the advertised rates, but the plaintiff claims that the speeds are nowhere near the intended level. Another part of his claim says that some users are even being forced to use EDGE Networks when 3G Networks should be available.

Should he win the case, Gillis is looking to collect to collect punitive damages that would subsequently be distributed to all afflicted iPhone users in a class-action style. Also, he is looking to force Apple and AT&T to reveal the correct data about the network speeds, if he can prove that the current data is incorrect.

Via MacNN

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