Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Firefox 3.1 Beta 1 release gets delayed

With all of the excitement yesterday coming from the new Google Chrome browser its important to remember that we already have some good browsers on the market, namely Firefox.

With progress being made on version 3, Mozilla has announced that the latest beta (Beta 1) for Firefox 3.1 will be delayed by a few weeks. According to the developers website, the code freeze was pushed back from September 9 to September 30. Mike Shaver, the interim head of engineering for Mozilla stated that “the delay was necessary so developers would be able to incorporate feedback on the earlier alpha editions.”

With the code freeze being pushed back it looks like we will not see a public beta for Firefox 3.1 until sometime in October, of course Mozilla has not announced any specific date. Shaver also went on to state that Firefox 3.1 will have a Beta 2, and they currently are shooting for an October 28 code freeze to make that date. They are also hoping to have the final release out sometime in late this year or early 2009.

Firefox 3.1 is expected to include some additions and enhancements that were not included in the 3.0 release. One of those features will be “TraceMonkey,” which is a new JavaScript interpreter that according to Mozilla “dramatically boosts JavaScript performance.”

Via [Macworld]

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