Let’s say you are trying to attract potential dates on your social networking site and for some reason, you photograph poorly. We’ve found software that claims it is the solution for you. Portrait Professional allows those non-skilled in Photoshop access to some filters that can remove wrinkles, whiten teeth, change eye color, hair color, etc. Save yourself an explanation of why you look nothing like your Facebook photo when you use your photo and this software for about five minutes.
Yeah, but I kinda know Photoshop
As a self-taught Photoshop junkie, I can accomplish just about most of what is offered in Portrait Professional. The difference then? It would take me a couple of hours to accomplish what they do in about five minutes. Don’t get me wrong, my Photoshop work would probably look better, but not by that much. And since my time is worth over $200 an hour (looking at you, new Editor Iyaz), this software could save you a bundle.
Try before you buy
I tried the free download and while I love try before you buy, the inability to save what you’ve invested tweaking this and that on is a bummer. Once the software opens, you are greeted with a gray/black UI that was pretty intuitive to use. You select a file and begin answering questions about your subject like whether your subject is male or female. Then on to marking where the eye corners are, mouth corners, eyes, hair, you get the idea. Pretty soon, you’ve mapped the face out and then Portrait Professional’s filters begin their work.
Barack, one fine looking candidate
I picked a photo of Obama I just happened to have. If you haven’t figured it out, the actual image is on the left and the touch up version is on the right up above. OK, perhaps I should have spent more than five minutes on it, but you can see that the wrinkles are smoothed, blemishes attended to and scandals thoroughly banished to another realm. What I really liked is the ability to tweak every filter they used via a slider. Makes working on the photo very easy and very intuitive. This is how you want your software UI to work. Well done indeed.
My end result wasn’t that great (I think because I want to see real life blemishes in a candidate - but that is a another story for another day), but the company’s website has a gallery. First before I give you link, a word of caution: the before pictures may scare you. I joshed there should be a Halloween soundtrack accompanying some of them. Just mouse over to see the “befores.” Stay away from the couple: yikes!
The good, the bad, and the but
Now, I’ve said some nice things about the software, here comes the “but”—it is $79.95 to own this software. That price seems a bit high to me (yes, I know how much Photoshop costs) but when great sites like picnikand others offer free online editing, I just don’t see it. Don’t get me wrong, I think the software works well, but unless you are doing a lot of photo touch ups, I am not sure their site is going to be ring up customers. Except to visit that freaky gallery!
Try the demo and let us know what you think: [portraitprofessional.com]